World’s 10 Largest Cat Breeds

8 Min Read

Are you a cat lover intrigued by big, majestic felines?

If so, you’re in for a treat! In this article, we’ll explore the world of the largest cat breeds, from gentle giants to impressive powerhouses.


Whether you’re considering adding one of these magnificent creatures to your family or simply curious about these larger-than-life felines, read on to discover the top 10 largest cat breeds from around the globe.

1. Maine Coon: The Gentle Giant

Topping our list is the Maine Coon, known for its impressive size and friendly demeanor.


These gentle giants can weigh up to 18 pounds or more and are characterized by their tufted ears, bushy tails, and sturdy build.

Despite their large stature, Maine Coons are known for their affectionate nature and playful personality, making them beloved companions for families and individuals alike.


Origin and History

Originally hailing from the state of Maine in the United States, Maine Coons are believed to be one of the oldest natural breeds in North America.

While their exact origins are shrouded in mystery, legend has it that they descended from domestic cats brought over by seafarers or Vikings.


2. Ragdoll: The Floppy Feline

Next up is the Ragdoll, known for its docile temperament and striking blue eyes.

While not as large as the Maine Coon, Ragdolls are still considered one of the largest domestic cat breeds, with males typically weighing between 15 to 20 pounds.


Their relaxed and affectionate nature has earned them the nickname “puppy cats,” as they often enjoy following their owners around the house and even playing fetch.

Temperament and Personality

Ragdolls are renowned for their laid-back and gentle demeanor, making them ideal companions for families with children or other pets.


They are often described as “lap cats” due to their love of cuddling and lounging with their humans.

3. Savannah: The Exotic Hybrid

The Savannah cat is a cross between a domestic cat and a serval, resulting in a stunningly exotic appearance and impressive size.


While not as common as some other breeds, Savannah cats can weigh anywhere from 12 to 25 pounds or more, with some individuals reaching lengths of up to 20 inches or more.

Unique Characteristics

Savannah cats are known for their striking coat patterns, long legs, and large, expressive ears.


They are highly intelligent and energetic, often exhibiting playful and mischievous behavior similar to their wild ancestors.

4. Norwegian Forest Cat: The Viking Warrior

Originating from the forests of Norway, the Norwegian Forest Cat is a robust and majestic breed known for its thick, water-resistant coat and muscular build.


These hearty felines can weigh between 12 to 16 pounds or more, with males typically being larger than females.

Adaptation to Harsh Environments

Norwegian Forest Cats are well-suited to cold climates, thanks to their dense double coats and hearty constitution.


They are excellent hunters and climbers, often thriving in outdoor environments where they can roam and explore to their heart’s content.

5. British Shorthair: The Chubby Cheeked Charmer

While not as large as some of the other breeds on our list, the British Shorthair is still considered one of the largest domestic cat breeds in terms of weight and build.


These chunky felines can weigh between 9 to 18 pounds or more, with males typically being larger and heavier than females.

Endearing Characteristics

British Shorthairs are known for their round faces, stocky bodies, and plush, dense coats.


They have a calm and easygoing demeanor, often forming strong bonds with their human companions and enjoying lounging in sunny spots around the house.

6. Siberian: The Russian Beauty

Originating from the forests of Russia, the Siberian cat is a stunningly beautiful breed known for its long, flowing coat and muscular build.


These majestic felines can weigh between 10 to 20 pounds or more, with males typically being larger and heavier than females.

Hypoallergenic Qualities

Siberian cats are often touted as being hypoallergenic, meaning they produce fewer allergens than other breeds.


While no cat is completely hypoallergenic, Siberians are known to produce less dander and saliva, making them a popular choice for allergy sufferers.

7. Chausie: The Jungle Cat Hybrid

The Chausie is a hybrid breed resulting from the crossbreeding of domestic cats with jungle cats (Felis chaus).


These exotic-looking felines are known for their athletic build, sleek coat, and striking appearance.

While not as large as some of the other breeds on our list, Chausies can still weigh between 12 to 20 pounds or more, with males typically being larger and heavier than females.


Athletic Abilities

Chausies are highly athletic and agile cats, often exhibiting impressive jumping and climbing abilities.

They thrive in active households where they can engage in plenty of play and exercise to keep both their bodies and minds stimulated.


8. Ragamuffin: The Fluffy Teddy Bear

The Ragamuffin is a close relative of the Ragdoll, known for its large size, plush coat, and sweet disposition.

These gentle giants can weigh between 12 to 20 pounds or more, with males typically being larger and heavier than females.


Affectionate Nature

Ragamuffins are renowned for their affectionate and laid-back personalities, often forming strong bonds with their human companions and enjoying snuggling and cuddling.

They are sociable cats that thrive on attention and companionship.


9. Bengal: The Wild Beauty

The Bengal cat is a stunningly exotic breed known for its striking coat patterns and wild appearance.

While not as large as some of the other breeds on our list, Bengals can still weigh between 8 to 15 pounds or more, with males typically being larger and heavier than females.


Athletic and Energetic

Bengals are highly energetic and athletic cats, often exhibiting playful and adventurous behavior similar to their wild ancestors.

They enjoy interactive play and mental stimulation, making them ideal companions for active individuals and families.



From the gentle giants of the Maine Coon to the exotic beauty of the Bengal, the world is home to a diverse array of large cat breeds that captivate and enchant cat lovers around the globe.

Whether you’re drawn to their impressive size, striking appearance, or affectionate personalities, these majestic felines are sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone lucky enough to encounter them.

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