Yellowstone tourist gets near to bison: ‘Got what he was asking for’

6 Min Read

Yellowstone National Park, with its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, attracts millions of visitors each year.

From towering geysers to majestic bison herds, the park offers a glimpse into the natural beauty and wonder of the American West.


However, the allure of encountering wildlife up close can sometimes lead to dangerous situations, as evidenced by a recent incident where a tourist got too close to a bison.

In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the encounter, explore the implications of irresponsible tourism, and discuss the importance of respecting wildlife and their habitats.


The Incident:

In a viral video captured by a fellow visitor, a tourist at Yellowstone National Park can be seen approaching a bison at dangerously close range.

Despite warnings from bystanders and park rangers, the individual persisted in attempting to take a selfie with the wild animal.


The situation quickly escalated as the bison charged at the tourist, narrowly missing him as he scrambled to safety.

The video sparked outrage and concern among viewers, highlighting the potential dangers of disregarding park rules and approaching wildlife in their natural habitat.


While the tourist escaped unharmed, the incident served as a stark reminder of the importance of respecting Yellowstone’s wildlife and adhering to established safety guidelines.

Understanding Bison Behavior:

Bison, often referred to as buffalo, are iconic symbols of the American West and a cornerstone of Yellowstone’s ecosystem.


Despite their seemingly docile appearance, bison are powerful animals capable of inflicting serious injury or even death if provoked or approached too closely.

During the spring and summer months, Yellowstone’s bison herds give birth to calves, making them particularly protective and territorial.


Approaching a bison, especially during this time, can trigger aggressive behavior as the animal seeks to defend its offspring and establish dominance within the herd.

The Risks of Wildlife Encounters:

The incident at Yellowstone serves as a sobering reminder of the risks associated with wildlife encounters in national parks and protected areas.


While the allure of capturing a selfie with a wild animal may be tempting, the consequences of such actions can be severe, both for the individual and the animal involved.

Wildlife encounters gone wrong can result in injuries to humans, damage to property, and stress or harm to the animals themselves.


In extreme cases, wildlife may be euthanized or relocated due to human interference, disrupting fragile ecosystems and endangering species conservation efforts.

Responsible Tourism: Guidelines and Best Practices

Responsible tourism is essential for preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of places like Yellowstone National Park.


Visitors play a crucial role in minimizing their impact on the environment and wildlife by adhering to established guidelines and best practices:

Maintain a Safe Distance:

Always maintain a safe distance from wildlife, as recommended by park authorities.


For bison and other large mammals, this typically means staying at least 25 yards away.

Use binoculars or zoom lenses to observe wildlife from a distance without disturbing them.


Respect Wildlife’s Space:

Wildlife encounters should be passive, allowing animals to go about their natural behaviors without interference.

Avoid approaching, chasing, or feeding wildlife, as these actions can cause stress and disrupt their daily routines.


Observe Park Rules and Regulations:

Familiarize yourself with park rules and regulations before visiting Yellowstone or any other national park.

Pay attention to signage and warnings regarding wildlife encounters, trail closures, and other safety considerations.


Practice Leave No Trace Principles:

Leave No Trace principles promote responsible outdoor recreation by minimizing human impact on the environment.

Pack out all trash, stay on designated trails, and avoid damaging vegetation or disturbing wildlife habitats.


Educate Yourself and Others:

Take the time to educate yourself and others about the importance of responsible tourism and wildlife conservation.

Share your knowledge with fellow travelers and encourage them to follow ethical guidelines when exploring natural areas.


The Role of Park Authorities and Conservation Organizations:

Park authorities and conservation organizations play a vital role in promoting responsible tourism and protecting wildlife in national parks.

Through public education campaigns, enforcement of park regulations, and habitat management efforts, these entities work tirelessly to safeguard the natural resources and biodiversity of Yellowstone and other protected areas.


In response to the incident at Yellowstone, park officials issued statements urging visitors to respect wildlife and adhere to safety guidelines.

Increased patrols and educational outreach efforts were implemented to raise awareness about the importance of responsible tourism and wildlife conservation.



The incident at Yellowstone National Park serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of irresponsible tourism and wildlife encounters.

While the allure of capturing a selfie with a wild animal may be tempting, the consequences can be severe for both humans and wildlife.


By adhering to established safety guidelines, maintaining a respectful distance from wildlife, and practicing responsible tourism principles, visitors can help protect the natural beauty and biodiversity of Yellowstone and other protected areas for future generations to enjoy.

As stewards of the environment, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that places like Yellowstone remain havens for wildlife and destinations for responsible outdoor recreation.


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